Holling has said goodbye to too many friends in the past six months. Bandit passed in his sleep last week after a slow decline from diabetes.
Dear Bandit in the box,
So my dear fat and furry kit, you are finally free of your tired body. I have looked for you in the sky many nights and sent you healing energy, but it seems that the universe had other plans for you.
You are in the company of many of your family members. Say hi to Molly for me. Don't chase Whiskas too much. You know that she doesn't like to be chased. Perhaps you and Sam are roaming around looking for birds and butterflies. My butterfly tree has gone to sleep for the winter, but it will awaken again, as will you, with renewed life lifting your head to soak up the rays of the sun.
I know that you miss Daphne, but don't worry because you'll also be seeing her one day.
It seems like just yesterday that you were a little kitten, running all over the house...so anxious to show Daphne and Cali "the ropes" when they came to live with us. Who would ever guess that Daphne would become the love of your life and keep you safe and happy until you had to leave?
I'll miss you in my heart as I have done for such a long time, but you and I will meet one day too! Until then I'll see you in the stars and in my dreams.
Sleep well my darling.